DreamBirth with Claudia Raiken
Whether you are a doula, a midwife, a psychologist, a social worker, a coach, an acupuncturist, a body worker, or anyone that works with people, DreamBirth® Imagery will expand your skillset and offer tools that not only help with conception, pregnancy and childbirth but with the emotions and beliefs that get in the way. It will greatly improve relationships, parenting and creativity; for both the client and the practitioner!
Imagery is the language of the body, it is the language of the baby in the womb, it is the language of the babies coming in, and it is the language of those who have left through miscarriage or abortion! Most importantly imagery is the language of the subconscious, and thus the perfect tool to clear trauma and any unwanted programs and beliefs ‘ gifted’ unwittingly by one’s ancestry. These beliefs reside in the subconscious, running the show, until they are cleared and transformed. DreamBirth® imagery is experiential, the only way to understand its power is to experience it.
If you feel called to assist others with practical tools for a much easier birth, preparing for C-sections and healing afterward, turning breech babies and more, then this training is the perfect instrument.
To learn more about the amazing benefits of DreamBirth, and receive information on our next DreamBirth For Professionals Training, please enter your details below.